Sunday, November 4, 2012

Being Spontaneous and Boots!


It's Ella again, and today I wanted to write about one of my favorite things: Spontaneous shopping!

I love the pre-shopping planning, what to buy, where to go, how much money to take etc, but last week I went shopping without knowing beforehand, and it sounds odd, but it was really fun!

There was no "I HAVE to go there, I brought money especially for that" we just went wherever we wanted, spontaneously!

I ended up buying GORGEOUS boots, and I was thrilled - and it was especially fab was that I didn't plan to get them, so getting home holding beautiful shoes made me SMILE because it was an added bonus!

Shoe Zone

(Sorry for the rubbish picture - it is surprisingly hard taking a photo of your feet on a bad quality webcam!)

Does anyone else like spontaneous shopping? Tell All!!
E xxx

P.S. Sorry for the randomness and weirdness and shortness of the post - homework overload! *Sighs* xxx

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